Running club will begin in the last week of September once all of the permission forms are received by Mr. Wozney. This year BSLS is going to try and host the event during lunch hours to get participating from more students.
Beautiful Savior has a running club that meets twice a week in the fall and then again in the spring. Students from grades 3-8 are encouraged to participate. During Running Club, despite the name, students are encouraged to either run or walk continuously. The students can walk and talk or jog and meet daily goals for time or distance. It is a great way to get physical activity, talk and be with friends.
Students who participate must have their parents sign a permission form specifically for the Running Club. These are sent home in September. If you would like your child to participate and need a form, please just see the office or talk to Mr. Wozney.
If your child is younger than grade 3, and you, the parent(s), would like to join your child for the walks/run, your child can attend, when you accompany them. You will be the sole adult responsible for your child on the walk, but we would love for more participation.
Any student(s) who have difficulty in following the rules and expectations of this extracurricular activity will no longer be able to participate. The rules must be followed strictly as we are trying to ensure the safety of all who participate.
We are trying something new this year with Running Club. Instead of having this activity after school we have decided to have it during the school day, more specifically during the lunch recess to get maximum participation from the students. The students will be running or walking with friends around the school property.
If any parents or family members would like to join in the Running Club they are more than welcome to volunteer and participate.